May 25, 2013

And so it begins

In French, Le Trou Normand translates to the Norman Break, which originates from Normandy in the form of apple brandy but is known to the rest of the world as a palate cleanser during a multi-course meal. I've always wanted to start a food blog but I struggled just thinking of a blog title and imagining the amount of time i would need to blog religiously. Most importantly, I was seriously concerned about the amount of time it would take before my dining companions could touch their food so that I could snap away...and no one wants to lose eating buddies! Fast track to 800 food photos on my phone album later and an instagram account featuring mostly food (as I am constantly reminded by my friends), I decided it was only fitting to start documenting my food adventures elsewhere.
Watermelon sorbet 
Although I tried realllyyyy hard to avoid French terms or anything that sounds too pretentious and/or is stereotypically a foodie term, I settled with Le Trou Normand for a number of reasons. Firstly, I love how palate cleansers are chef experiments with consistently unique outcomes. There is so much flexibility when it comes to concocting a palate cleanser, which varies depending on the chef's mood, availability of ingredients, the season, etc. Additionally, different regions usually incorporate a special, locally produced ingredient, so you'll never get the same thing twice! As such, it is usually the component of a meal that stuns people as they wonder what exactly it is made of, all the while feeling refreshed afterwards and ready to take on the next dish. In the same manner, I hope you find the content of this blog intriguing enough to try the dishes and restaurants you read about.
Fruit jelly
Lastly, the purpose of a trou normand is to clear the mouth of any lingering flavors so that the following dishes can be enjoyed with a fresh perspective. Beyond recommending both hip and new and established restaurants and dishes, I hope to give you my take on what tickles my tastebuds. Do keep in mind though that I am no expert on food or photography!

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