June 24, 2013

Momofuku Milk Bar

I love being in New York. It means perpetually being simultaneously tired and alive. Too many things to see, do, and eat...and I've only got 2 months! With that said, I've been lagging on SO many food posts because
1) I am busy getting settled down with my internship and apartment 
2) i'm almost never home for hours at a time and when I am home, I crash
3) I have yet to find a reliable memory card reader (sigh)

I am still attempting to regulate my blogging routine in the midst of all the chaos and it WILL happen. What better to way to start than with the infamous momofuku milk bar!
Sacred menu
We were eyeing the crack pie and the birthday cake (which, by the way, consist of a gazillion hours of baking and complex layers--i've checked the recipes) but were craving cookies. We settled on the compost and corn flavor, which were devoured in lightning speed. Hence, no pictures (gah).
I spy crack pie
And finally....
Cereal milk soft serve topped with added crunch
I was skeptical at first since I am not a fan of having milk with my cereal...so the concept of a 'cereal milk' flavor wasn't something I was too excited about. It was great, though! I also casually stole a bit of D's miso butterscotch soft serve and I may have liked it a tad more. Next on my list: momofuku birthday cake truffles.

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