August 16, 2013

If you've ever wondered

I am a huge fan of coffee, which I think should be differentiated from an addict. I almost always go for an iced cappuccino but I sometimes wonder if I can go for a latte instead...and it turns out I can, I'll just be getting way more milk than coffee. Anyway, sad to say that I can't consume any coffee at the moment because I came down with something but here's an explanatory diagram for your perusal, in case you didn't know yet...
Some of the best ones (and by 'ones' I mean iced/hot capps) I've come across in New York are (in no particular order):

  1. Stumptown Coffee Roasters (inside the Ace Hotel) -- A Philly foodtruck (HubBub) carries stumptown, too 
  2. Gregory's Coffee (multiple locations)
  3. Prodigy Coffee (West Village)
  4. Fika (probably my fav)
  5. Lavazza at Eataly (they even top your capp off with dark chocolate flakes)
  6. Balthazar bakery

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